2. Flux instances
2-1 Return an empty Flux
Flux<String> emptyFlux() {
return Flux.empty();
2-2 Return a Flux that contains 2 values "foo" and "bar" without using an array or a collection
Flux<String> fooBarFluxFromValues() {
return Flux.just("foo", "bar");
2-3 Create a Flux from a List that contains 2 values "foo" and "bar"
Flux<String> fooBarFluxFromList() {
return Flux.fromIterable(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"foo", "bar"}));
2-4 Create a Flux that emits an IllegalStateException
Flux<String> errorFlux() {
return Flux.error(new IllegalStateException());
2-5 Create a Flux that emits increasing values from 0 to 9 each 100ms
Flux<Long> counter() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(100)).take(10);
3. Mono instances
3-1 Return an empty Mono
Mono<String> emptyMono() {
return Mono.empty();
3-2 Return a Mono that never emits any signal
Mono<String> monoWithNoSignal() {
return Mono.never();
3-3 Return a Mono that contains a "foo" value
Mono<String> fooMono() {
return Mono.just("foo");
3-4 Create a Mono that emits an IllegalStateException
Mono<String> errorMono() {
return Mono.error(new IllegalStateException());
4. StepVerifier
4-1 Use StepVerifier to check that the flux parameter emits "foo" and "bar" elements then completes successfully
void expectFooBarComplete(Flux<String> flux) {
4-2 Use StepVerifier to check that the flux parameter emits "foo" and "bar" elements then a RuntimeException error
void expectFooBarError(Flux<String> flux) {
4-3 Use StepVerifier to check that the flux parameter emits a User with "swhite"username and another one with "jpinkman" then completes successfully
void expectSkylerJesseComplete(Flux<User> flux) {
.assertNext(user -> {
.assertNext(user -> {
4-4 Expect 10 elements then complete and notice how long the test takes
void expect10Elements(Flux<Long> flux) {
4-5 Expect 3600 elements at intervals of 1 second, and verify quicker than 3600s by manipulating virtual time thanks to StepVerifier#withVirtualTime, notice how long the test takes
void expect3600Elements(Supplier<Flux<Long>> supplier) {
5. Transform
5-1 Capitalize the user username, firstname and lastname
Mono<User> capitalizeOne(Mono<User> mono) {
return mono.map(user -> {
return new User(user.getUsername().toUpperCase(), user.getFirstname().toUpperCase(), user.getLastname().toUpperCase());
5-2 Capitalize the user username, firstname and lastname
Flux<User> capitalizeMany(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.map(user -> {
return new User(user.getUsername().toUpperCase(), user.getFirstname().toUpperCase(), user.getLastname().toUpperCase());
5-3 Capitalize the users username, firstName and lastName using asyncCapitalizeUser
Flux<User> asyncCapitalizeMany(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.flatMap(this::asyncCapitalizeUser);
Mono<User> asyncCapitalizeUser(User u) {
return Mono.just(new User(u.getUsername().toUpperCase(), u.getFirstname().toUpperCase(), u.getLastname().toUpperCase()));
6 Merge
6-1 Merge flux1 and flux2 values with interleave
Flux<User> mergeFluxWithInterleave(Flux<User> flux1, Flux<User> flux2) {
return Flux.merge(flux1, flux2);
6-2 Merge flux1 and flux2 values with no interleave (flux1 values and then flux2 values)
Flux<User> mergeFluxWithNoInterleave(Flux<User> flux1, Flux<User> flux2) {
return Flux.mergeSequential(flux1, flux2);
6-3 Create a Flux containing the value of mono1 then the value of mono2
Flux<User> createFluxFromMultipleMono(Mono<User> mono1, Mono<User> mono2) {
return Flux.concat(mono1, mono2);
7-1 Create a StepVerifier that initially requests all values and expect 4 values to be received
StepVerifier requestAllExpectFour(Flux<User> flux) {
return StepVerifier.create(flux)
.expectNextCount(4) // Expect to received count elements, starting from the previous expectation or onSubscribe.
7-2 Create a StepVerifier that initially requests 1 value and expects User.SKYLER then requests another value and expects User.JESSE then stops verifying by cancelling the source
StepVerifier requestOneExpectSkylerThenRequestOneExpectJesse(Flux<User> flux) {
return StepVerifier.create(flux, 1) // 두번째 파라미터 n - the amount of items to request
.thenCancel(); // Cancel the underlying subscription. This happens sequentially after the previous step.
7-3 Return a Flux with all users stored in the repository that prints automatically logs for all Reactive Streams signals
// ReactiveRepository<User> repository = new ReactiveUserRepository();
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<T> findAll()
Returns all instances of the type.
Flux emitting all entities.
Flux<User> fluxWithLog() {
return repository
7-3 Result
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [main] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onSubscribe(FluxZip.ZipCoordinator)
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [main] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - request(1)
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='swhite', firstname='Skyler', lastname='White'})
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - request(1)
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='jpinkman', firstname='Jesse', lastname='Pinkman'})
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - request(2)
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='wwhite', firstname='Walter', lastname='White'})
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onNext(Person{username='sgoodman', firstname='Saul', lastname='Goodman'})
2022-02-06 14:33:38 [parallel-1] INFO reactor.Flux.Zip.1 - onComplete()
7-4 Return a Flux with all users stored in the repository that prints "Starring:" on subscribe, "firstname lastname" for all values and "The end!" on complete
// ReactiveRepository<User> repository = new ReactiveUserRepository();
Flux<User> fluxWithDoOnPrintln() {
return repository.findAll()
.doOnSubscribe(subscription -> System.out.println("Starring:"))
.doOnNext(p -> System.out.println(p.getFirstname() + " " + p.getLastname()))
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("The end!"));
7-4 Result
Skyler White
Jesse Pinkman
Walter White
Saul Goodman
The end!
8 Error
8-1 Return a Mono<User> containing User.SAUL when an error occurs in the input Mono, else do not change the input Mono
Mono<User> betterCallSaulForBogusMono(Mono<User> mono) {
return mono.onErrorReturn(User.SAUL);
8-2 Return a Flux<User> containing User.SAUL and User.JESSE when an error occurs in the input Flux, else do not change the input Flux
Flux<User> betterCallSaulAndJesseForBogusFlux(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.onErrorResume(e -> Flux.just(User.SAUL, User.JESSE));
8-3 Implement a method that capitalizes each user of the incoming flux using the #capitalizeUser method and emits an error containing a GetOutOfHereException error
- Checked Exception ( RuntimeException 을 상속받지 않은 예외 ) 를 RuntimeException으로 바꾸어주는 함수.
Flux<User> capitalizeMany(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.map(user -> {
return capitalizeUser(user);
} catch (GetOutOfHereException e) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
User capitalizeUser(User user) throws GetOutOfHereException {
if (user.equals(User.SAUL)) {
throw new GetOutOfHereException();
return new User(user.getUsername(), user.getFirstname(), user.getLastname());
protected final class GetOutOfHereException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
9 Adapt
9-1 Adapt Flux to RxJava Flowable
Flowable<T>#fromPublisher(@NonNull Publisher<? extends T> publisher)
- Converts an arbitrary Reactive Streams Publisher into a Flowable if not already a Flowable.
Flowable<User> fromFluxToFlowable(Flux<User> flux) {
return Flowable.fromPublisher(flux);
9-2 Adapt RxJava Flowable to Flux
Flux<T>#from(Publisher<? extends T> source)
- Decorate the specified Publisher with the Flux API.
Flux<User> fromFlowableToFlux(Flowable<User> flowable) {
return Flux.from(flowable);
9-3 Adapt Flux to RxJava Observable
Observable<User> fromFluxToObservable(Flux<User> flux) {
return Observable.fromPublisher(flux);
9-4 Adapt RxJava Observable to Flux
(stack overflow) Observable to Flux Conversion
// import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.BackpressureStrategy;
Flux<User> fromObservableToFlux(Observable<User> observable) {
return Flux.from(observable.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER));
9-5 Adapt Mono to RxJava Single
Single<User> fromMonoToSingle(Mono<User> mono) {
return Single.fromPublisher(mono);
9-6 Adapt RxJava Single to Mono
Mono<User> fromSingleToMono(Single<User> single) {
return Mono.from(single.toFlowable());
9-7 Adapt Mono to Java 8+ CompletableFuture
- Transform this Mono into a CompletableFuture completing on onNext or onComplete and failing on onError.
ompletableFuture<User> fromMonoToCompletableFuture(Mono<User> mono) {
return mono.toFuture();
9-8 Adapt Java 8+ CompletableFuture to Mono
fromFuture(CompletableFuture<? extends T> future)
- Create a Mono, producing its value using the provided CompletableFuture.
Mono<User> fromCompletableFutureToMono(CompletableFuture<User> future) {
return Mono.fromFuture(future);
10 Other Operations
10-1 Create a Flux of user from Flux of username, firstname and lastname.
Flux<User> userFluxFromStringFlux(Flux<String> usernameFlux, Flux<String> firstnameFlux, Flux<String> lastnameFlux) {
return Flux.zip(usernameFlux, firstnameFlux, lastnameFlux).flatMap(zippedFlux -> {
return Flux.just(new User(zippedFlux.getT1(), zippedFlux.getT2(), zippedFlux.getT3()));
10-2 Return the mono which returns its value faster
Mono<User> useFastestMono(Mono<User> mono1, Mono<User> mono2) {
return Mono.first(mono1, mono2);
- first는 deprecated -> firstWithSignal 사용 권고
10-3 Return the flux which returns the first value faster
Flux<User> useFastestFlux(Flux<User> flux1, Flux<User> flux2) {
return Flux.first(flux1, flux2);
- first는 deprecated -> firstWithSignal 사용 권고
10-4 Convert the input Flux<User> to a Mono<Void> that represents the complete signal of the flux
Mono<T> ignoreElements()
Mono<Void> then()
- Return a Mono<Void> that completes when this Flux completes. This will actively ignore the sequence and only replay completion or error signals.
Mono<Void> fluxCompletion(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.ignoreElements().then();
10-5 Return a valid Mono of user for null input and non null input user (hint: Reactive Streams do not accept null values)
Mono<User> nullAwareUserToMono(User user) {
return Mono.justOrEmpty(user);
10-6 Return the same mono passed as input parameter, expect that it will emit User.SKYLER when empty
Mono<User> emptyToSkyler(Mono<User> mono) {
return mono.switchIfEmpty(Mono.just(User.SKYLER));
10-7 Convert the input Flux<User> to a Mono<List<User>> containing list of collected flux values
Mono<List<User>> fluxCollection(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.collectList();
Mono<List<T>> collectList()
11 Reactive to Blocking
11-1 Return the user contained in that Mono
User monoToValue(Mono<User> mono) {
return mono.block();
T block()
- Subscribe to this Mono and block indefinitely until a next signal is received. Returns that value, or null if the Mono completes empty. In case the Mono errors, the original exception is thrown (wrapped in a RuntimeException if it was a checked exception).
11-2 Return the users contained in that Flux
Iterable<User> fluxToValues(Flux<User> flux) {
return flux.toIterable();
Iterable<T> toIterable()
- Transform this Flux into a lazy Iterable blocking on Iterator.next() calls.
12 Blocking to Reactive
12-1 Create a Flux for reading all users from the blocking repository deferred until the flux is subscribed, and run it with an elastic scheduler
Flux<User> blockingRepositoryToFlux(BlockingRepository<User> repository) {
return Flux.defer(() -> Flux.fromIterable(repository.findAll())).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic());
<T> Flux<T> defer(Supplier<? extends Publisher<T>> supplier)
Flux<T> subscribeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
12-2 Insert users contained in the Flux parameter in the blocking repository using an elastic scheduler and return a Mono<Void> that signal the end of the operation
Mono<Void> fluxToBlockingRepository(Flux<User> flux, BlockingRepository<User> repository) {
return flux.publishOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()).doOnNext(user -> repository.save(user)).then();