- OAuth2 Authorization Server에서는 Redirection을 통해 주고받은 데이터 ( clientId, nonce, redirect_uri, response_type, scope, state )의 정보를 SavedRequest에 저장한다.
* Redirect로 주고받은 데이터 中 client id 가져오기
* - OAuth2 Authorization Server에서는 clientId, nonce, redirect_uri, response_type, scope, state를 SavedRequest에 저장한다.
* @param request
* @param response
* @return
* @author ys5318.kim
* @since 22.07.29
private String parseClientIdFromSavedRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
RequestCache requestCache = new HttpSessionRequestCache();
SavedRequest savedRequest = requestCache.getRequest(request, response);
return Arrays.stream(savedRequest.getParameterValues("client_id")).findFirst().get();
- Spring Security 개발자 Luke Taylor가 작성한 SavedRequest를 이용한 매커니즘 설명
An authentication success strategy which can make use of the org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest.DefaultSavedRequest which may have been stored in the session by the ExceptionTranslationFilter. When such a request is intercepted and requires authentication, the request data is stored to record the original destination before the authentication process commenced, and to allow the request to be reconstructed when a redirect to the same URL occurs. This class is responsible for performing the redirect to the original URL if appropriate.
Following a successful authentication, it decides on the redirect destination, based on the following scenarios:
- If the alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl property is set to true, the defaultTargetUrl will be used for the destination. Any DefaultSavedRequest stored in the session will be removed.
- If the targetUrlParameter has been set on the request, the value will be used as the destination. Any DefaultSavedRequest will again be removed.
- If a SavedRequest is found in the RequestCache (as set by the ExceptionTranslationFilter to record the original destination before the authentication process commenced), a redirect will be performed to the Url of that original destination. The SavedRequest object will remain cached and be picked up when the redirected request is received (See SavedRequestAwareWrapper).
- If no SavedRequest is found, it will delegate to the base class.
Spring Security 내부에서 인증 성공시 이를 활용한 코드
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication) throws ServletException, IOException {
SavedRequest savedRequest = this.requestCache.getRequest(request, response);
if (savedRequest == null) {
super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);
String targetUrlParameter = getTargetUrlParameter();
if (isAlwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl()
|| (targetUrlParameter != null && StringUtils.hasText(request.getParameter(targetUrlParameter)))) {
this.requestCache.removeRequest(request, response);
super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);
// Use the DefaultSavedRequest URL
String targetUrl = savedRequest.getRedirectUrl();
getRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl);
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